Tuesday 25 June 2013

Is Pokemon Ruined?

Pokemon Black and White 2
Pokemon Fire Red

Pokemon Ruined? I dunno it's a sensitive subject for most loyal gamers, and probably because they believe it has been ruined! There right in some respects, the classic feel and the style of Pokemon has changed a considerable amount, and to be honest I loved the old style games especially fire red as it was my first Pokemon game and it was freak'in EPIC.. there are many forums and articles about how Pokemon is ruined or how it has changed for the better but there all from differed point of views etc etc, me? Well I'm a Gen 2 and Gen 3 gamer as my childhood was basically these games, but I DO enjoy the new games black white 2, sometimes I do get abut pissed with the changes Pokemon has made but hey ho that's just life and I'm a Gen 2-3 gamer what do you expect? Anyway what I'm trying to say is that the reason I believe the new Pokemon games are frowned apon is because older gamers like me are TO STUBBERN.. Yeah, stubbern, don't cry.

The old Style of Pokemon gone forever:(

Sometimes I miss the good old days when you could just hyper beam the shit out of everything and in the modern world of Pokemon with Ev training etc etc sometimes I fell abit old.. I'm only 17 lol;)
AHH also when you could just stick your Pokemon into a day-care centre and run the hell around all day, come back and your once level 10 pikachu is now level 70, these days you have to worrie about Evs, Ivs, Pokerus and movesets beings altered, ow and natures... Ah the good old days were the best.

The new style of Pokemon is pretty Cool give it a chance:*

Wooo here we are, the NEW style of Pokemon. One thing clearly stands out from the rest and its how long battles take, they last much longer and are more tactical which some times is great! But when you have to battle hoards of team plasma grunts and pokemon breaders some times it can be a pain in the ass but to be honest I believe this is mostly a positive impact on the game.
 Wooo #TeamNewPokemonGames
The double edged sword, EV training, all the new(ish) natures and weird nerdy shit in the new Pokemon. Lets start with the positives, if your a full on Pokemon geek you'll bloody love it! All the different things that you can tweek etc etc, it also benefits the less knowledgeable Pokemon player too.. Say if you was up against the same level and type Pokemon tradionaly the person to stop using potions or to use hyper beam first would win,  because it is a stale mate and both pokemons stats are identical, but now the Pokemon gimps back in Japan or wherever they are have introduced Evs and different natures to make Pokemon individual. And here's the other end of the sword, if your looking for a rare Pokemon and after 30mins of searching you finally capture this Pokemon, your all chuffed to bits until you cheek it's stats.. Unfortunely it's nature contradict its stats, let's say you wanted this Pokemon because of its high defence, the nature would hinder its defensive stat therefor lowering it... IT'S THE MOST ANOUYING THING EVER, then you have to waste another 30mins of your life searching for it again and hoping it has the appropriate nature. Great.

The Worlds best conclusion.

Lets be serious the new style of Pokemon is pretty good, the new graphics the more tactical game play, the towns and cities are full of side quests and competitions, like I said let's be super cerial.. There generally more things to do in the new Gen games. The only things that really annouy me are the natures and Evs but to be honest there pretty much assencial in making Pokemon individual, sometimes I do think the new gen games are over doing it, in some respects certain areas in Pokemon have been ruined, like the rustic feel and simplistic style of Pokemon are pretty much gone.
I just hope Pokemon stays on the right tracks and doesn't change the recipe too much from the originals but all in all I don't think Pokemon is ruined, i hate to say this though ,its time to move on... Ps HyperBeam rules....


  1. Hey! First at all, looks like you have just begin with this site, congratulations by this. I'm spanish reader so my english may be awfull, however I find this piece of your blog very interesting. Since I'm a 1º Gen pokemon gamer I can tell pokemon have change a lot. From my point of view 1º and most of all 2º gen were simply awesome, i don't know if you have the chance to play game boy pocket or color but i can tell you that the rest of the game for that time... How can I say it? Better think to try it in spanish and hope you understand: No estaban a la altura. 3º gen was also pretty good (from saphire i loved diving) and also the plot were different (team rocket doesn't appear for first time). Red fire was a good and (from my point of view) neccesary remake, first because red was the begin of Pokemon world and a lot of children couldn't play it because they were too young to play when it started. Introductions of new graphics were nice but most important: the running shoes (1 gen trainers say that we didn`t need it because it took part of the character's personality but true is that we nearly cry when finally get the bicycle). From that point i just stopped playing pokemon, in part because i start thinking I was a little bit old to play, in part because new pokemons remembers me to first digimons more than pokemon u.u (it's only my opinion). I've heard that black and white were better than Diamond and Pearl, if that it the case i just don't know. And here we are, a new Pokemon is announced to be release at the same time in the world with global internet conection (that's an awesome point that most 1ª gen trainers haven't enjoy). It could be true that Pokemon is actually ruined but... I don't know why, I can tell you that this gen may chance many things. I'm 20 by now and have 3ds (I buy it for some really cool titles anounced like Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear and a suposse Golden sun 4) and I think i'm going to buy next gen just to try it. The same case for two of my friends that like me didn't continue the Pokemon saga. If the same thing is happening (like i think) at the rest of countries this gen it's gonna be the meeting points of "old school" gen trainers, 3º-5º trainers and also 6º beginers... Really cool, don't think?

    Wow guy, i writte you the whole bible. In compensation i start following in twitter ("in twitter" or "on twitter"? God my gramatic is horrible) and also here in blogger.

    Please, continue writting! :)

    1. Thanks for the comment appreciate it! And haha your never too old for gaming or Pokemon man!;) also you might as well purchase the new Pokemon game it will be a good experience, and what's your twitter details ill follow you, mines called theuberclocker. Ow and can you please follow my other blog about technology techplnt.blogspot.com and ill follow your blogs back! And of course ill carry on writing!:))
