Friday 9 August 2013

Can "the bitches" handle Bidoof?

Well can they? This HM whore sure looks the part, I mean look at "dem curls" I'm so sorry for the terrible gangster terms, the title requires it. What is Bidoof suppose it actually be? To me he looks like a over weight squirrel with Downes but looks arnt everything you know. He has a base stat of 250 and a crippling attack stat of 45, I certainly wouldn't mess with this "bad boi".
Also Bidoof at level 15 evolves into Bibarel which is a normal/water type...Spicy. But let's not talk about that waste of space, Bibarel has nothing on Bidoof, trainers all around the globe are clicking "A" when he try's to evolve.  Bidoof isn't just big in the Pokemon world, hell no. He's big in the meme world to..
Throughout Pokemon there have been Hv slaves, Linoon and Zigzagoon just being some of many, Bidoof clearly is the best and obviously the most famous.
 I believe he certainly does "fuck bitches for paper" and on this bombshell we come to a conclusion.. "The bitches" definitely cannot handle Bidoof.

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